
Friday, September 10, 2010

you have spoken: the best and worst of being a working mom (outside of the home)

This post is part of the Moms Who Work series.}

Today we’re looking at work-outside-of-the-home moms. A few weeks back I asked readers about the best and worst things about being a working mom (away from home) and here’s what they said…

What’s the best part of being a working mom (away from home)?

Getrealmommy said...
I really enjoy having a job outside of the home. I honestly started going nuts when I was at home full time, and as a result, I probably drove my kiddos insane as well. I was constantly searching for something to do, anything to get out of the house, dragging them out on the rainiest of days. I think that my having an outside job of the home is best for me and my family.

Too Much Good said...
The best part about being a working mom is getting to feel like I made a difference for someone's life at the end of my day at the non-profit I work for. And then I get to go home and make a difference in the life of my family.

Kristen T. said...
Pick-up! The kids always want to see you, they are excited, they often (not always) want to tell you about their day.

Maryline said...
The best part is that within work there is some "me" time, and of course work brings in the intellectual challenges I need. It also brings along the office crap that most companies carry along with them. I just wish I had a job I loved more.

Chef Eureka said...
My children see me working, they know that I love them, I make time for them, they are learning about money. The economy is tough and we all have to make decisions about how we spend our money. So they get choices, choices on what activities they really want to do. We spend more time just me and them.

The best part is I enjoy my job and I think I do good job. I hope my children see that and see my pride in a job well done.

Laura Elliott said...
The best part of working part-time is you get the best of both worlds - plenty of adult conversation and stimulation but still some time at home with your child. 

KDC Events said...
The quiet, the coffee, the conversation.

What’s the hardest part of being a working mom (away from home)?

Getrealmommy said...
The hardest part? Sometimes I feel disconnected from my kids daily lives. Our nanny takes my son to preschool and my toddler to playgroup. I used to know all of the kids and all of the songs and now I feel a bit out of the loop, and it makes me sad. I don't know that there is ever a perfect solution. But life ain't perfect!

Too Much Good said...
I'm a working mom and went back to work when Lila was four months old. This last month has been the hardest since she was born. No one could prepare for the struggle to keep it all in check. I constantly feel behind. Behind at work and struggling to give up my need to be a perfectionist in my job. Behind with Lila; I swear she looks more grown up every evening than she did that morning. Behind with my hubby, never having enough time to tell him stories. The decision was hard in the sense that I hated to leave her and easy because I love my job. 

Kristen T. said...
Finding enough time to take care of myself.

Maryline said...
The hardest part is that I feel like my little one is growing too fast and I wish I could hold on to what's left of my "baby" -- he is 16 months old.

Chef Eureka said...
Not being free to be there with them when they need you. Sometimes they get sick or get hurt while you are at work. And while you can rush to their side… it’s not the same as if you were there when it happened. There are times when the stressors of work do come into the home life… and it’s a struggle to remember that you can’t take any frustrations out on your children. That your temper needs to not be as short because you had a bad day. And of course, one of the hardest parts of being a working mom… is missing out on moments of your child’s life. They go to events or parties or play dates… times you are at work and can’t get away. As a mother, you feel those moments strongly.

Making It Work Mom said...
The hardest part is trying to be everything for everyone and never feeling like you have enough time. I could "work" all night and still not accomplish everything.

Laura Elliott said...
The hardest part is that often your day off becomes the hardest day of the week because you try to fit so much in - cleaning, socializing, catching up on chores. Often I'm relieved to get back to work so I can relax!

KDC Events said...
leaving the little one and trying to keep the house up on the days I am at the office.

In closing...

No doubt that working moms work hard. Of course there's a flip side to every coin; every choice has consequences, both good and bad. The decisions that women have to make about what capacity we will work in is never an easy one, nor is it one taken lightly. There is so much to consider about the best interest of the kids, of the mom, of the family, of the budget... and a number of other things that come into play. 

I'm so grateful to live in a culture and age that releases me to choose what's best for my family and I. Aren't we lucky to know that we can work in whatever capacity we feel is the best fit for us?

For all the highs and lows, moms who work away from home - we salute you! You are wonderful role models for our children!

Dear mommy-friends, are you a working-outside-the-home mom? Can you relate to these women? What have you found to be the highlights and lowlights of working away from home?

grateful for the choice,

Have you registered your blog here yet?

adriel booker | the mommyhood memos | 2010 
do not reproduce without written permission


  1. Oh it's fun to see your name on someone else's blog I almost feel famous.:)

    Great piece. Thanks!

  2. I am loving this series, Adriel! Especially this post. Being a mom who works outside the home, I appreciate learning of others in the same situation, sharing the same joys/stresses.
    I'm now on my way to visit these other working moms' blogs! Nice job!

  3. This was really neat to read and I am great friends with too much good..she is one of the four pack mamas so it was a treat to see her comments on here! :)

  4. Great question!

    I agree with Get Real Mommy, for me the disconnect is a problem. It is fun to hear all of these voices!

  5. like you said, there is always the flip of the coin. there are goods and bads to EVERY mommying situation.

  6. I'm so glad I'm not alone :)
    It ain't easy.

    Thanks for letting me have my say on your blog. I think you are a fantastic blogger, you do a fine job, young lady :)

  7. Thanks for tackling an important subject!! I've been a working mom and a SAHM, they are both hard in their own right and it seems that whichever job you are currently at, you want the other!!! But, at the end of the day, if our kids know we love them and we show it to them, it doesn't matter if we work outside the home or work inside the home, they'll grow up to be great people :)!!!

  8. Love to see both sides! Great post! I have a plan so that I can work with my passion and stay home with my children. Who knows if it will work but it's worth a try. And a large startup fee...anyone know any investors? ;)

  9. We have to salute these moms because sometimes there just is no choice. I am grateful that I do have a choice. I did work out of the home for a while, and I was unprepared for the challenges. It's nice to see a blog that speaks to both sides without judgements.

  10. I love hearing the best and worst from working moms! This is so wonderful. I can definitely see the inner conflicts that can arise. All of you Moms are awesome, thanks for sharing your stories!

  11. Great to see how much I can relate to all of these moms. And I agree with Mary that we have to remember that often there isn't a choice, especially living in an expensive part of the country like the Bay Area.


dear friends... i really love and appreciate your comments. thanks so much for taking the time to add your thoughts and opinions.

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