
Saturday, April 2, 2011

do you come here often?

If you're new here, welcome.

My name is Adriel. I'm a thirty-something music-loving, beach-going, family-advocating, mom-supporting, travel-adventuring, mountain girl (and city-lover) from Oregon who just happens to live in hot, humid tropical Australia with a hunky, spunky Aussie bloke - my husband Ryan.

yes, we were on vacation. nice huh? and no, we haven't had tans like that since,
which is why i chose to use this photo. we look vacationed and i like that.

He does manly things like mowing the lawn, fixing stuff, flexing his muscles, watching football (and basketball and cricket and...), building things in his man cave, fishing, cooking me breakfast, washing the dishes, changing pooey diapers, watching NCIS, and giving himself foot soaks and face masks.

I do girly things like blogging and writing, shopping (and deal-hunting), decorating, planning, toddler-chasing, reading, current events and politics-following, photo-taking, baby-growing, breastfeeding, teaching, yoga-stretching, DYI-ing, accessorizing, endless laundry folding (not by choice, just by necessity), and HGTV and Modern Family-watching.

And dreaming about sleeping in. Can't forget that. I'm always dreaming about sleeping in... and taking naps.

So yeah, that's us - the Bookers: a young-at-heart, cross-cultural, family-first, faith-filled, volunteering, slightly "special" couple who can't believe we found one another.

And apparently the America-Australia combination is a good one because we came out with one of the most gorgeous children you will ever lay eyes on. His name is Levi and he is 14 months old.

careful, he's a heart-stealer.

He does things like guitar playing (he's slightly obsessed), reading storybooks, banging things, walking around the house with a mini hockey stick and my new belt, wrestling with daddy, plowing into and over things, holding my eye-lash curler and pretending he knows how to use it, grunting, giggling, asking for crackers, playing with (and in) anything involving water, and stick-collecting.

He is seriously cute and adorable and hilarious. (Kinda like your kid I bet.)

In fact, he turned out so well that we decided to give him some competition, due to arrive in about six months:

And the Memos?

I write about all things mom-ish.

Sometimes my writing gets a little gritty and sarcastic and feels a bit like this:

Other times it's mushy, sentimental, and reflective and feels more like this:

And still other times it feels a little more "tipsy" and instructional and feels something like this:

And then there's the times that it's a tad less wordy and looks kinda like this:

If you'd like to read some of my best, click over to my besties page or check out the "most clicked" post list on my sidebar. 

I blog to connect, remember, process, encourage, entertain, inform, inspire, equip, challenge, record, relax, have fun, question, provoke, support... and to help me think beyond myself, tap into my creativity, and network with other women - primarily moms and mamas-in-the-making.

Thanks so much for stopping by. Please be sure to introduce yourself!

looking forward to connecting,

p.s. Dear regulars, if you haven't already linked up, consider checking out the Ultimate Blog Party 2011!

adriel booker | the mommyhood memos | 2011
do not reproduce without written permission


  1. This is so fun!! I've seen the Blog Party all over the blogosphere, but for some reason it seems so intimidating! I might give it a try :)

  2. I thought that too Mandy. But who cares! It's just a bunch of (mostly) women who are doing the same things we're doing. :) Can't hurt to try it out. I say GO for it!!

  3. I'm from the Blog Party! OMG your son is GORGEOUS!!! I have 3 sons, so I totally feel your pain about the exploding diapers. And congrats on the next bambino! And I am RIGHT there with you on the sleeping in. I can't remember the last time I did, and I swear, when I do, I will cry from the joy of it. Love your place! Following!

  4. I like your sense of humor. Nice to meet you.

  5. Beautiful pics! Stopping by to say hello... it's been a little while. Hope you are well!

  6. I think you are a hawt momma ADriel and your son is seriously one of the cutest little boys I have ever seen...that picture ofh im and the guitar..genious!!! LOVE IT. So glad we are already blog friends. I'm lucky;0.

  7. Your baby is really cute :) I just found your blog through UBP2011...i'm excited to keep checking back into your world!

    Check mine out if you want!

  8. I know this is a totally random comment but... Wez and I are constantly getting complimented on how beautiful our girls are which made me think about all the other international families I know. In general, they all have really good looking children which led us to a little theory. We think that one major reason our girls look the way they do is because we have completely different gene pools. It's like they got the best of both our genes and no recessive ones. Just our little theory... but I think Levi's cuteness also backs this theory:)

  9. I do come here often ;-) But I still learned new things about you! That is half the fun of these things for me... reading what my fav bloggers write about themselves!

  10. You and your family are gorgeous! And yes, Modern Family is the greatest show! I look forward to reading and seeing more of your family!!!

  11. thanks for letting us know about it!
    We love what you do! :)
    And Cam is my favorite on Modern Family, he's even in a post!
    p.s.- i remember you saying in a post you nannied twins once. did you ever talk about that more in a post?

  12. Hello from the UBP! You're right, your son is pretty darn cute, especially with that guitar. And can I say that I love your "frazzled" picture. That there is the reality of parenthood, ha! I'll definitely be back for more!

  13. Love your blog, Ariel! It's such an encouragement for all moms, but especially those with little ones. That is such an exhausting but wonderful time of life!

    So glad you love Sacred Parenting as much as I do. It's one of my favorite parenting books. Such a wonderfully biblical approach to how God wants to change US as we parent. Can't wait to look at your series!

  14. love your blog. your family is beautiful, and I feel like I can relate to each of your blogging styles. ;)

  15. Visiting from UBP! Nice to "meet" you! Your little guy is a doll and congrats on your upcoming addition!

  16. loved getting to know more about you & your lovely family! we visited sydney a couple years ago & it is still my dream place to live. you are a lucky lucky girl ;) levi is adorable, btw!!

  17. Wrote a reclaiming sundays post today! :)

  18. Getting a late start on the party, and yes, I do come here often! Just had to show you some love for this awesome post.

  19. Stopping by from the UBP, your son is adorable.
    Following you now, fun post!

  20. Howdy!

    I am so happy to have found your blog. I am stopping in from the Ultimate Blog Party and this is my very first year participating and this is SO VERY exciting!! LOL

    Anyhow...please stop by my blogs and follow whenever you get the opportunity:

    So Stylilized is where I am currently offering FREE Custom Blog Designs at

    And...Jessica Lil Corner is where I am blogging about family and life at

    I welcome your visit at either or both of my blogs and hope to have you stop by and follow really soon!!

    Have a very blessed day!! :0)

  21. Hi Adriel,

    This is right up my alley! I can't wait to read more!



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